Spectrum ASA-X CF10 1.75mm BK 2kg filament

43 390 Ft — 108.90   

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    Ha kedvezőbb áron szeretnéd megvásárolni ezt a terméket, kérjük, írd meg nekünk szempontjaidat, és megnézzük, mit tehetünk!

    ASA, a well-known polymer that is a highly weather-resistant alternative to ABS, has become the base for another composite material, Spectrum ASA-X CF10.

    Rendelhető frissítés

    Mennyiségi kedvezmény

    MennyiségKedvezményKedv. ár
    2 - 48%39 919 Ft
    5 - 912%38 183 Ft
    10 - 1916%36 448 Ft
    20 - 2920%34 712 Ft
    30 - 4922.5%33 627 Ft
    50 - 20024%32 976 Ft

    Minél többet vásárolsz, annál kedvezőbb áron adjuk. Többféle filamentből válogatva is növelheted a mennyiséget!


    Ennek a terméknek az árát euróban is megadtuk, és a Te döntésed, hogy melyik pénznemben fizetsz érte. A megrendelés leadásakor a rendszerünk forinttal számol, ezért ha euróval fizetnél, kérjük, jelezd számunkra.

    Spectrum ASA-X CF10 filament

    Resistance to outdoor conditions with a beautiful carbon finish

    Analysing the feedback from the users of our filament, we have decided to expand the range of materials for outdoor use in conditions of increased exposure to UV radiation, temperature and humidity. ASA, a well-known polymer that is a highly weather-resistant alternative to ABS, has become the base for another composite material, Spectrum ASA-X CF10.

    Our paramount objective was to develop a material that would guarantee the printed models consistently high mechanical performance, especially in terms of hardness and stiffness, even under prolonged use in outdoor weather conditions. The result is the creation of Spectrum ASA-X CF10, a composite based on an appropriately selected ASA with carbon fibre filling.

    We provide our users with filament that is resistant to external exposure, such as sunlight (UV) and humidity (hydrolysis), with a tensile strength of over 7.5 GPa and a thermal resistance of 101°C. At the same time, Spectrum ASA-X CF10 has low shrinkage and is, unusually for technical materials with comparable properties, easy to print. All of this, combined with a carbon matt surface that effectively masks the layers of the printed models, has made the Spectrum ASA-X CF10 a very popular choice among the 3D printing community.

    Advantages of the ASA-X CF10

    • HDT thermal resistance – 95°C
    • Vicat softening point – 101°C
    • excellent resistance to outdoor exposure
    • UV resistance
    • option to print on desktop printers without a heated chamber
    • carbon, matt printed surface
    • perfect bonding of the layers
    • easy to print compared to classic PLA


    • functional prototypes
    • manufacturing equipment
    • manufacture of housings and covers
    • manufacture of parts subject to abrasive wear
    • manufacturing tools
    • components that need high resistance to outdoor exposure


    Filament is reeled on the neat, transparent spool. Each spool contains information on the type of material, diameter and recommended printing temperature. Filament is vacuum-packed with a moisture absorber. Whole product packed in the original, folied Spectrum Filaments packaging.

    További információ

    Felhasználási terület: Otthoni felhasználás
    Termékvonal: ASA-X CF10
    Átmérő: 1.75 mm
    Nettó tömeg: 2000 g
    Extruder hőmérséklet: 235-260 °C
    Tárgyasztal hőmérséklet: 90-110 °C
    Cikkszám: 5903175659019 Kategória: Márka:


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