Spectrum Light Weight PLA 1.75mm TRAFFIC BLACK 1kg filament

14 890 Ft — 36.90   

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    Using Spectrum Light Weight PLA leads to a significant reduction in the weight of 3D-printed parts, up to 50% compared to traditional PLA.

    Rendelhető frissítés

    Mennyiségi kedvezmény

    MennyiségKedvezményKedv. ár
    2 - 48%13 699 Ft
    5 - 912%13 103 Ft
    10 - 1916%12 508 Ft
    20 - 2920%11 912 Ft
    30 - 4922.5%11 540 Ft
    50 - 20024%11 316 Ft

    Minél többet vásárolsz, annál kedvezőbb áron adjuk. Többféle filamentből válogatva is növelheted a mennyiséget!


    Ennek a terméknek az árát euróban is megadtuk, és a Te döntésed, hogy melyik pénznemben fizetsz érte. A megrendelés leadásakor a rendszerünk forinttal számol, ezért ha euróval fizetnél, kérjük, jelezd számunkra.

    Filament Spectrum Light Weight PLA

    Spectrum Light Weight PLA is a modern filament based on PLA. The uniqueness of this material results from the use of innovative active foaming technology, activated by temperature.

    At the expansion peak, the filament increases its volume by over 2 times, reaching an extremely low density of approximately 0.52 g/cm3. This material gives you incredible flexibility in regulating material flow, allowing it to be reduced by up to 55%. This, in turn, allows you to 3D-print objects with significantly reduced weight. Additionally, it is possible to use the foaming ability to speed up the 3D printing process by using thicker layers or single, solid outlines.

    The speed and level of foaming can be controlled by adjusting the printing temperature, which allows you to adjust the density of the material for various elements depending on your needs. This filament is an excellent solution for printing RC airplane models and other projects where low weight is crucial. Using Spectrum Light Weight PLA leads to a significant reduction in the weight of 3D-printed parts, up to 50% compared to traditional PLA.

    The unique properties of this filament allow you to enjoy not only low weight, but also exceptional durability and precision of prints. The matte and rough surface finish provides an attractive appearance for the prints and effectively masks the layers.

    Foaming is activated at a printing temperature of 220°C and should reach its peak in the temperature range of 240°C – 250°C. Please remember that if the flow coefficient is significantly reduced, the filament may foam before leaving the nozzle and the extruder may become clogged. The color will become slightly lighter, when the material is fully foamed.

    How it’s working?

    In order to obtain the maximum lightweight part, it is necessary to determine the expansion rate of the filament.

    1. Print thin-wall test cube. It is necessary that the test model has only 1 outline (vase mode). Thin-walled test models should be printed in the temperature range of 220°C – 280°C, preferably with an interval of 10°C.


    2. Measure perimeter thickness of each test model and choose the printing temperature at which the expansion is highest.

    3. Then, for the temperature determined in step 2, print calibration cubes, reducing the flow value so that the wall thickness equals the nozzle diameter. Typically, the flow should be somewhere between 40-60%.

    4. Finally print your desired model and check if the print was made correctly. It may be necessary to fine-tune the flow rate, typically within a few % points of the value obtained in step 3.

    Key features:

    • Significant reduction in the weight of printed parts, up to 50%
    • Active foaming technology
    • Customizable material density
    • One spool of Light Weight PLA can yield the same number of prints as two spools of standard PLA due to significantly reduced flow
    • Matte finish that highly reduce layers visibility


    Filament is reeled on the neat, transparent spool. Each spool contains information on the type of material, diameter and recommended printing temperature. Filament is vacuum-packed with a moisture absorber. Whole product packed in the original, folied Spectrum Filaments packaging.

    További információ

    Felhasználási terület: Otthoni felhasználás
    Termékvonal: Light Weight PLA
    Átmérő: 1.75 mm
    Nettó tömeg: 1000 g
    Színkód: RAL 9004
    Extruder hőmérséklet: 200-280 °C
    Tárgyasztal hőmérséklet: 0-45 °C
    Filament alapanyaga: PLA
    Cikkszám: 5905991400615 Kategória: Márka:


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